Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Weed out the fakes and the 'replicas'
If we did not buy fake goods, Ebay sellers would not sell them. If you want a fake Rolex, that's fine; but you may not want a fake item of clothing, or sunglasses or shoes. Here is my 10-point rule of thumb chart to weed them out - no matter what category they sell in. This guide applies to those selling Designer Goods.1. If it is too cheap, and claims to be new, it's a fake. Look at the average price of the real thing and use your head - why would this seller sell so cheap if it was genuine?2. If it does not say in the advert that it is authentic, it's almost certainly a fake.3. If your seller will not offer a money-back guarantee on the authenticity of the item, it's definitely a fake.4. If the seller keeps the feedback private - then it isn't becasue it's too good to be read! It's to stop you seeing what he has previously sold, and to avoid you reading the negative feedback.5. Email the seller - ask them directly, "can you guarantee this is 100% genuine and authentic". No reply? It's a fake.6. If the seller is from China or Taiwan, it's probably a fake.7. Will your seller give you a name and postal address? No? It's a fake.8. If, despite your best efforts, you end up with a fake, report the seller to Ebay, the police and trading standards - stop them doing it to someone else.9. Use Paypal unless there's a very good reason not to.10. Read Feedback. Has this seller sold these or similar items in the recent past? Has the seller a good track record in these items? If the seller is switching from CD's to trainers at bargain prices, it's a fake unless the seller is selling his designer Nikes that he got as a present.. If buyers on Ebay act collectively to squeeze out the fakers, they will eventually wither. If we are willing to send money to scammers, they'll come back for more. Think before you click!
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