Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Choosing A Belly dance Hipscarf

When buying a hipscarf you want it to look right! First and foremost the look of it will be what attracts you. Its nice to have a variety of colours as it adds more fun to your dancing!

There are many different types avaialble to suit your requirements.

Chiffon scarves, although very pretty, often catch on things, personally i tend to stay away from chiffon scarves for this reason. I want a hipscarf to last.

I would reccomend a velvet one, they are much more durable.

If the scarf has coins it will make a noise as you dance. This is useful for learning to keep in time to the music as the scarf will acentuaate each of your moves.

There are also scarves with circle sequins, these are really pretty and are ideal for when you dont want to make noise. These are good for workshops or classes with a lot of students and you cant hear the teacher for the jingling!

The weight of a scarf is also important. A professional quality scarf is more costly but it reminds you of the importance of posture! You do pay for the quaity of scarves, so although bargains seem great they might not be as high standards.

The scarf should be tied at your hips not your waist. This helps you see (providing you have a mirror!!) the dance moves very clearly.

Belly Dance Items

Happy dancing :D

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